A regular blog on ways to beat the struggle to get fit and stay healthy. This blog is dedicated to all of us who struggle to get and stay fit and healthy. Do you still struggle knowing what to do to stay fit and healthy, but fail to do anything about it? Read on...
Sunday, 29 December 2013
The Principle of Elderly Fitness
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Stay Fit and Healthy - Stay Fit After 50
Stay fit and healthy in your 50s
The dreaded 5-O, you've had the celebrations, endured the old people jokes, now you must look ahead at the next 30-40 years.You may already experience health issues, if not you are certainly aware the risk greatly increases of adverse health issues when you're over the 50 age milestone.
Significant events start to occur in your life now. Loss of parents, and relatives and friends of their generation. You've probably got as far as you'll ever get in your career. You may feel vulnerable with all the career graduates making decisions that affect you.
Your children will have left or about to leave home, and you may even be a grandparent. This could make you feel positively old.
But, you don't need to face your 50s with fear and trepidation. Balance all the negative feelings with positive ingredients and you have the recipe for a rewarding life, and one to look forward to in your 50s and beyond.
Here are 5 suggestions to help you re-invent your outlook as you move into your 50s:
Stay fit and healthy
Your first priority is to stay fit and healthy, you then have the energy to do everything else. Exercise and diet. Yes, there are much more interesting things to do than concern yourself with exercise and diet, but you don't need to become fanatical.Exercise needs to be a fitness activity you enjoy - walking, gardening, cycling, running, yoga or any activity that leaves you feeling out of breath and your heart pumping faster.
Ensure your diet contains fibre, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Scale down on junk food, and red meat. Watch the calories in what you eat. Limit consumption of food and drink high in sugar and saturated fats. And, drink lots of water.
Family and Friends
Make time for family and friends. This takes effort and probably not one of your high priorities, but you will feel better having made the effort.Hold a dinner party with close friends where you all dress in black tie and evening dresses. Hold the party in your home to keep costs and ask your friends to bring wine or dessert. You all have a great time without it costing your fortune. Aim to do this two or three times a year so you have something to look forward to.
Volunteer for a community cause or your favourite charity. Follow their activities on the web and write encouraging emails and observations if you aren't in position to play an active role volunteering.
Your Biography
Ok, you're not a famous celebrity but your family, especially children and future grandchildren would love to know what life was like for you growing up. Your fears, aspirations, disappointments and achievements will mean a great deal to your children and grandchildren as you get older.
Stay fit and healthy, activate your brain
Find activities that stimulate your brain. Reading, Chess, Sudoku or playing or learning to play a musical instrument, even something as inexpensive as an acoustic guitar will keep you engaged and active mentally. There is research that shows that an active mind can reduce the risk of developing conditions like Alzheimer’s.Staying fit and healthy in your 50s means you can have the life you want rather than the life you get.
Guest Post: Tim McGuire
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Looking for a Home Gym to Stay Fit?
A home gym is ultimately the ideal setting for achieving your workout goals. Working out at home and building a home gym is a great idea since it is so convenient.
What you should look for in a home gym is one that allows you to target all your muscles groups. It defeats the purpose if you still have to go to your local gym because your home is deficient at allowing you to exercise one or more muscle groups.
Questions to ask before buying a home gym
Deciding on acquiring a home gym is not an overnight decision. You’ve already thought of where you are going to locate it in your home. A garage? You need to clear space and make it attractive so you look forward to using the home gym there. A spare room? This is the ideal, if you have one. In the absence of these options you will need to create space.
So what are your choices? Stick to known brands, probably more expensive but replacement parts and additional items will be much easier to acquire.
So where do you start?
Bowflex Blaze Home Gym
Checkout the Bowflex Blaze Home Gym. It gets a 4.5 star rating on Amazon. You get 60 exercise routines to try out so it will take a long time before you get bored. For Just under a $1000, you get a quality machine.
This home gym is for muscle workouts and general fitness but it doesn’t offer the benefits of say a good quality cross trainer. If you need to practice cardio routines you need to think of some alternatives like boxing or running to get your heart rate up. If this is your first venture into the home gym market checkout the Bowflex Blaze.